Explore & More, the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Children’s Museum, offered free museum admission on Friday, August 30, as part of its recently launched M&T Bank Fifth Friday series. Children in attendance took part in financial literacy activities such as math and counting games, world currency education, and more.
August 30 was also National College Colors Day, so Explore & More teamed up with local higher education institutions, including Buffalo State University, to get children excited about college. Attendees were encouraged to show their school spirit by wearing colors from a favored institution.
Faculty members and students from Buffalo State’s School of Education—representing art, career and technical, elementary and secondary, music, and science education—led a variety of hands-on activities throughout the day, including
- creating tiger lilies and Bengal masks,
- making harmonicas out of rubber bands and popsicle sticks,
- a sinking/floating discussion activity involving two large tubs of water and lots of toys,
- musical activities with instruments and scarves, and
- sundae making with whipped cream and toppings.
“Buffalo State was represented extremely well and was at the center of the museum’s activities,” said Kathy Doody, Buffalo State professor and associate chair of graduate programs in exceptional education. “Many alumni stopped by the table to share their fond memories of their time on our campus and told me how their careers benefited as a result of attending our institution.”